Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Where do I blog

Alright already, I'm getting in under the wire... Kate's party, Where do you blog?

Mr. Lynn's office is where I blog.  He says I have taken it over.  I do spend more time in here lately.

Beware, I didn't move or straighten anything up, I think I am "allowed" to do that about twice a year.
I didn't even move my wine glass out of the picture, Merlot tonight. 

Lot's of guy stuff.  He deserves it - three daughters, me and a female dog for 15 of the 30 years together.

He was a track star (high school and college) when we first started dating.

The room is at the front of the house.  Quiet, but I still feel a part of everything.  The laundry room is around the corner, so I can hear when the dryer turns off.  Is that a perk?

party with the world at
Centsational Girl


  1. No hearing the dryer go off is not a perk. Nice office. Love the shutters.

  2. That is so nice that he has his man room!!! Our dryer doesn't have a bell thing and for that I am grateful!!


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