Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring on Halifax Lane

Bradford Pear - non- fruit bearing.

I took a little walk up and down our neighborhood streets.  Here is a bit of what is happening this time of year in Coppell, TX.

Red Bud Tree

Neighbors tulips

Some kind of pretty pink blossoming bush.  Then the leaves turn shades of purple in the summer.

Wild ferns

This will be yellow roses in a few weeks and lavender roses at the base of the bush.

More Pear trees

These bloom profusely for about one week,  then the leaves take over the blooms and they will be totally green in about two days from now. You can see the leaves trying to takeover in the picture above.

These trees are very soft and a lot of branches went down in the snow.

Last little bunch of pansies in the alley.

Happy spring everyone


  1. Beautiful flowering trees and new growth coming up to tell us Spring is near. You are a little ahead of us. The pear trees are getting ready to open here and then it is getting cold again next week. Oh, goody!

  2. Have you ever noticed those brandford pear trees have a stink to them? They are beautiful though!

  3. Hi-
    I'm a Texas blogger too- it is nice to meet you.
    Everything is starting to bloom and it is so exciting.


    White Spray Paint

  4. Oh my goodness, it is spring there in Coppell! You know, I'm a native Texan living in Oklahoma and seeing the Texas pictures makes me pine!

  5. haha, Debbie. Yes, they are NOT fragrant, beautiful but stinky. I was leaving work the other day and we have a lot of them at the front of our office. The lady I was walking with said she would be glad when the stinky trees were not blooming anymore!

  6. Wow, it really looks like full-blown spring where you are! We have a few daffodils (or buttercups as I call them) blooming and trees are just starting to bud, but it doesn't quite look like yours yet. I love that pink bush. I'd love to have on of those. Thanks for sharing a sample of spring!


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