I have used Shutterfly for years. Mainly to store pictures and make photo books and calendars. I have used their cards for individual cards during the year, but this year 50 free cards for bloggers caught my eye. Over Thanksgiving the kids were all here, so we grouped for a quick shot on the front porch and it is going to be one of our best Christmas pictures yet. I love that no one knew we would be taking the picture, so everyone is just themselves. I did make hubby shower and shave... he had been blowing leaves off the back porch. My girls got into it and went straight to the computer and created the card. I'm just waiting for my code from Shutterfly now.
So here is the deal... Go to this link here to see Christmas card ideas. Create your blog posting. Complete the online registration, here.
I have a Christmas book from the last 25 years and each year our Christmas card is placed inside. I usually would include a picture. This is the first year the card will be the picture. I am jumping on the bandwagon so why don't you. Give yourself a free Christmas present of Christmas cards.
This is the original registration here and then Shutterlfly will send you the instructions. Have fun, Lori